You can call me Joe


This website? This is my little corner of the internet. In here I have a part of me, my creations and my fascinations.


If I am going to be simple it would be to learn and also to have fun. This website is a personal project of mine. I made this to learn some web design and it is also a way of personal expression. I am making something I like and it is fun! I am also just trying to etch myself online kind of like just saying "I was here".


Um... on the internet? This will be the only place where we will be if you are visiting here. Or ar you asking me where I am? Well, I am locked in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy?-


Just how did we make this website? When I first started this project I really had no plans on what it would look like and I just kinda did as I go. I spent most of my time looking at other websites for some ideas and inspiration. I found a lot of resources online specially from sadgrl.online and EGGRAMEN (I used his templates for this website). I then found the kind of viusals to go for which is just this simple layout with some CRT effects slapped on, pretty simple but I like how it looks. There are some stuff I have no idea on what to do. But the fun part was just utilizing view page source and inspect on websites and seeing their HTML structures and CSS codes to study and implement them on my own website.