WEB DESIGN - useful site for acquiring website features

EGGRAMEN - CSS templates

Tentacool - also some CSS templates

GifCities - archive of old gifs from old geocity pages

using CSS to create CRT - showcases how to put a CRT effect using CSS

w3schools (HTML) - for learning HTML

w3schools (CSS) - for learning CSS

Basic Guide To The Personal Web - video introduction to the personal web


How to Stop Shopping in Five Easy Steps - video essay series for anticonsumerism

The Communes of Rojava: A Model In Societal Self Direction - a look into the commune system of Rojava

A Rustling of Leaves - documentary about the armed struggle in the Philippines


DecolonizePalestine - a website for learning about Palestine

Proletariat Library - a collection of informative reads

WEBSITES - website radio to tune in around the world


Data Removal Guide - process and resources for erasing your online data

haveibeenpwned - see if your email address is a part of any data breach

VIRUSTOTAL - see if a file, domain, IP and URL contain malware or anything suspicious

GetLinkInfo - get information about a website before visiting it from its link

COVERYOURTRACKS - tests how secure is your browser

GUERILLAMAIL - free disposable email service


Pixel Art Starry - background used for Library

Transparent Glow - used for Library template

Dark Header - Dark Header used for the rest of the sections of the website