This is a collection of my poems

A million miles apart I yearn a way to feel the ocean blue
Yet I am stuck in this cold space, forced to gaze a sight that's not you
The moons that orbit in rhythm, the comets that entail prophecy
The gas giants that marvel me, the distant stars that shine brightly
All these I get to see
And yet all these couldn't compare to your earthly beauty

admiring the ghost with phantom gaze
one which a caress cannot grace its face
its chest still quiet, no rhythm of beat
I knew it and I are of different worlds, where we could never meet

i envied the machine
i envied its metallic body
a temple free of decay, a place of longevity
i envied its mind
of circuits that manifest logic, its limits unbind
i envied its capability
scaling the highest peak, it served to humble me on my feet

yet of all the things i put my jealousy
it was of cold and emotionless brutality
i feel comfort now in my flesh, the torturous immortality i trade to become a being of temporary

but the machine be damned i can cry

Many aren't so keen on peace, just look at their eyes
Yet many choose using chords against swords kissing their throats
When words fail to hold, when no one dares to be so bold
I'll be the final solution, the final reason
So sharpen me and don't keep me dull
I'll take care of you, make sure you won't be engraved a numskull

A regent king of a false prophecy
Hail the new rule that clings from legacy
Fear not the power but the idea of prosperity
Burrow back to their muds, horde the luxury

Enamoring[Beguiling] you are, your marble grace of pristine
Bewitched the soul, your choir of chords so soothing
Cherished the heart, your company is everything
Your existence merely the reason to wake for

widened eyes to gaze the stars...
or maybe just the ceiling
consumed by the feeling of the day...
or just by the bed I choose to lie in
the breeze of cold that caress my skin
it's the comfort in admiring I have company
worry about what was or what to be
I've decided thinking might be misery
so I opt to be in this very moment
I shut my eyes and I trust
I enter my own cool room
I give focus now to this current sight

a cloth of dark to hide the fright
the comfort of the cushion that consumes me
all of this to get me feeling light
and to this i say


sly fox what have you brought
another apple horrid of taste?
you pick from a tree that blossoms of rot
choice is given by your gluttonous gaze
opening wide, taking a bite
the flavour of bitterness gives you a fright

I speak for no ear to hear
my words clear to see
like a glass cup bejewelled in ornaments
floral patterns that please the eye
but empty, devoid of anything really
the cup with nothing in
dusting in the shelf, waiting in turn as an artifact
and you, your sudden presence
it has filled this cup
the hollowness no longer lingering
you've given reason to these decorations
and all now dedicated to you
all to you

cheers to you

and then you come to me
you have riddled my life
you stare into my eyes
through it you have gazed my mind
you've settled in there comfortably
I don't mind you being there
even if it might drive me crazy
I even wish for your long stay
I wish for the longevity

I figured God loves to write
And we're his favorite book
Hence why our pages keep turning
Our stories subtly changing
Every drop of his pen
Makes a new shade of ink
Each sentence he makes, bares life
Each paragraph he describes, make a character
Each page he completes, make a tale
And for every chapter closed
Well, that's history


I’ll be in your
Embrace that I so much adore
With hugs that could mean so much more
Moments with you don’t become a bore
I hope that I don’t seem a chore

The world can be so mean to me
With you I’m allowed more air to breathe


A tale for why the stars shine bright
I tell them of your beauty every night
I boast and now they resent of jealousy
To see you be, their reign comes abruptly
Now to rid them of my gaze to you
Their sparkles fill the sky, to drown your hue
But even then they’ll fall shortly
With every one of them diminishing slowly
My sight for no other than you, a strife
I choose to see you, be with you
Every night in my every life

What flower are you to my garden?
You’ve withered, colors now faded
So why must I not see you a burden?
I’ve been here, I’ve awaited
To see you again created, to bloom
See you breathe in the air, oust gloom
Cast your hues as I walk by
You’re my child, my proudest cry

I adore that name
That song that plays
My throat gets plucked
For every mention of it
Your name has gone far
Very far, amongst my friends
And at the pearly gates
I've said it to God
More than I could count
And he has always said
What a beautiful name

I bid farewell to a friend
We are now at distance's end
Apart from what it used to be
I look up to the sky and see
We are under the same sun
Touched by the same light
Under the same dark clouds
Feeling the cold rain
Under the same night
Gazing the same stars
No matter how far
We'll both be alright

Let it be
Let it run its course
Through the storm
Let it do its worse
But all the roughness
As you let it be
Then comes the sun
And the tranquil sea